homophobic relatives
my household is really strict when it comes to lgbt, its a typical household where they be saying shit like "its a sin" bla bla bla, im bi n a nonbinary btw
BUT THEN SMTH HAPPEN LIKE, it was a family gathering right, they be asking question like "do u have a bf" shit, n somehow the lgbt topic came to the surface... it went 0-100 rq when everyone suddenly argue until my uncle said "sexuality isnt a choice, being straight is the only thing that can be accepted" I WAS ABOUT TO THROW HANDS BUT THEN HE SAID "i even found men attractive but i choose my wife n god" i was like- wait a goddamn minute... n everyone was like agreeing him like
i hold my laugh so hard cuz i had to shut myself so i dont blow my cover, but the way they just agreed like- wtf were they closeted or sumn?
that man is either 1. gay man in denial 2. bi man who thinks that finding men attractive is normal
1 reply
31 05,2021