I don't know anymore
I'm a bi/pan girl reading mlm, and no I do read other genres. I don't get off to it/fetishize it/ship ppl irl/hate lesbians.
I think I am a fujoshi because fujoshi means a women reading mlm. I don't think it has anything to do with fetishizing mlm.
I read a post somewhere that all fujoshis are messed up in the head (??) or something, which I personally don't .
Is it true? What are your thoughts on this?
Ps please don't judge me because of my username, I couldn't decide of a name and saw someone with the same name on other site, so I thought of naming myself that. And I didn't even knew what a whore was when I made this account. (English isn't my first language and my parents teach me english so I rarely get to know about the cuss words if english)
BL in general is the same as any other romance story the only difference is that it's between two men. Although I will agree that some fujos fetishize mlm but that is not the majority of the community (only a very vocal few) Bl is made by women for women and Yuri is vice versa. I think misogyny is somewhat linked here since men are never called out......
2 reply
30 05,2021