probably gonna get bashed for this but idc
skinny shaming and fat shaming are both obviously extremely wrong but they are not on equal levels.
have you ever seen someone get called fat as a compliment? no. has that happened with calling people skinny tho? yes.
being skinny is literally the ideal beauty standard.
have you guys ever seen a model in a commercial that is fat? no, atleast I haven't. even if anyone of you have, it's extremely rare isn't it?
getting told to eat a burger and having to starve yourself to please others is not the same.
again, I'm not trying to say skinny shaming doesn't exist, they're just not the same and some of you need to accept that fact.
no you're right bc being thin is currently the standard of beauty whether we like it or not so ofc it makes sense that fat shaming is more prevalent and being fat is seen as an inherently negative thing
29 05,2021