I am ranting here because I have nowhere else to rant to (feel free to ignore this)
So, for some background context, it is currently 2:50 am in the dead of the night here and I have a major MAJOR day ahead that is filled with exams-that-are-extremely-important-for-my-future, and that is not only for this day, but for the rest of the week (yay me). But, being the entire waste of school fees and hard work that I am, I didn't study but instead continued to read this book. Everything's fine because I like this book, right? It's a love story between two working men with issues who are fake dating that becomes real and has sweet moments and I am trying to distract myself from guilt of not studying by reminding myself that it's a good book and when it's finished I'll feel fulfilled. BUT GUESS WHAT?? THIS GODDAMN BOOK ENDS WITH A TOTALLY UNNECESSARY, UNCALLED BREAK UP WHICH LEAVES OUR MC MISERABLE AND I AM HERE WONDERING WHAT I JUST WASTED ALL MY HOURS NOT-STUDYING UPON BUT NOW I CAN'T GET MY TIME BACK TO NOT READ THIS SHITTY BOOK SO THAT I DON'T GET A SHITTY ENDING, BUT I FREAKING WELL CAN'T AND I CAN'T EVEN RANT ABOUT IT TO ANYONE AROUND ME CAUSE EVERYONE WHO I LIVE WITH ARE HOMOPHOBIC JERKS AND I JUST- I hate what I am feeling right now and I hate myself. (If you read all this, first, thank you, and second, sorry I wasted like, 180 something seconds of your life)
Good luck ... I feel like I’ve read that book before and felt the same way but who knows
29 05,2021