Girls do the housework and serve their parents.
That's the gist of what my mother usually said. The latest occurrence was last night, when I was helping wash the dishes. My mother said that girls should be good and do the housework and be filial to their parents. She also likes daughters that do all the cooking and cleaning. She likes to point out that my cousins that are girls are really good at cooking and obedient. I have a nice mother, but I wonder if she's old-fashioned. She and my father do not support homosexual relationships, especially not marriages.
Is there a reason other than gender roles, or even a legitimate reason, that girls are expected to dress well and do the housework? Is there a specific good reason why kids learn gender schemas? Why do people assign clothes and actions to genders? There must be reason why a man can not wear dresses and makeup. But why have historically, many men have had long hair, dresses, wigs, makeup, heels, and elaborately decorated clothes? Candace Owens said that "manly men" should be brought back and she wants a man to be manly and chop wood because that's "sexy." She is against men that dress up the way they want. Fuck her shitty views.
Are gender roles a social construct?
Fuck those expectations. I do what I want. I don’t care if they think I should dress a certain way to look “feminine,” sit like a proper lady, or do housework even though that’s clearly not in my genes just because I’m a girl. Those are expectations and what we are taught.
29 05,2021