Am I a Slut?
Here's the tea.
I love beautiful people;
I especially love beautiful men!
I am attracted to all men I find attractive.
I fall in love hella easy.
Case in point: the greatest love of my life is a guy that held my eyes (in a very intense manner) ONCE! And I loved him2 years straight.
He is a complete stranger.
Even when I was dying for his, his AFFECTION! I still saw all the other cute boys and was VERY attracted to them all!
I've been looking for love for the past....11 years.
Single since birth here.
However, I'm still single.
Men talk (boys
), but they're not my type.
Lately, as I've gotten older, 21, I've started to notice I've been making myself romantically available to a LOT of men I...find appealing. Like, at the same time.
Am I a hoe or desperate?
I know I'm desperate. And a hoe. A thirsty hoe
I need a SO
I don't think it makes you either. I am on the opposite side, however. I currently identify as demisexual but I might also be an ace interested in a romantic relationship. Where I sympathize with you is through my desire to have children. I inherited that from my dad and have always wanted to be a mother. There are days all in a row I just want an ......
01 06,2019