everytime i see a quadrupedal animal i fucking shit myself with joy tell me bout your animals so i can justify all the diapers i accidentally bought
i'm kidding, but tell me about your animals anyway
i've got a bird named tomie who has a nicotine addiction and just got out of prison for stabbing their teacher when they took their vape, and a dog named bard who barks and shit
I have six cats.
Sammy, who's actually my older brother's cat but came to live at my parents house while he was in jail back 2015 because his cats were mean and ran her off, is fat but friendly and loving. Every time I pet her she licks my hand.
Grumps who got her name because she was a grouchy kitten. She's much better now, though. She only grow...... 2 reply
I have a cockatiel and her name is fe Fe and it's really cute and I just love it she's really fluffy and cute and i always want to kiss it or Pat it and actually she is really a good kid it's out most of the time and I can ever study with it (she just sit on her favorite chair(not always thought))and most of the time I carry her on my shoulder beca...... reply
I have a bunny (mix holland lop and lion head). She's my baby: Nala, 5 yo. Her previous owner didn't want her anymore, she was 3 yo. When I got her, she was too thin and her nails too long. She came into my life at the right moment.
She's a sassy little bitch.
She wants treats all the time and is very stubborn. She's my spirit animal.
She doesn'...... reply