So in few words, I loved my classmate for 3 years and I still love him now. I am now Senior and may not meet him again, I haven't told anyone that I love him, even my friends, because he has a girl he loves, who kind of could be considered a friend of mine. The study will end soon, I can confess to him now, but I live in a f**king third world country In which girls are just object. My parents would kill me if they knew I wanted to date someone, probably I will be mocked because I am in my country a girl who is in love, meaning that she is an easy-to-reach bitch.
anyway, I just feel more comfortable posting such a thing on this site. I really want to take anyone’s advice because I want to face reality. Even if he rejects me, it will be better than continuing in my life with these feelings.
i mean you only live once right? you could try meeting up with him, and confessing to him. who knows, he might just feel the same, and if he doesn't, he missed his chance and you'll def find someone better reply
i think it is better to tell him. suppressing your feelings is just going to make it worse. don't give a fuck about what others say, do what you want, i know it sounds like you are rebelling but no it's just very common for someone to fall in love. no matter whatever your gender is, don't let gender stereotypes define you. if he does reject you, it...... reply
I already being rejected 3 time in my life.
Well all i can do is 2 times sending a letter and 1 time telling him.
First, i have my first love when i was in middle school.
He was my classmate
I really love him, soo i write a letter for hik and slip in his book.
But what?
The letter he have when he found it, he announced to all of my clasmate.
His...... reply
Please take anything I say with a grain of salt-- I can only give you my knowledge, understanding, and empathy based on other people's experiences, not mine.
If anything, confessing your feelings will make you feel lighter as if a burden has been lifted from your shoulders, regardless of any outcome.
How close are you and your classmate? Study b...... reply