When you confess, and he just stares at you. Great.

Boterfly Boterfly 2019-05-14 22:56:55 About confess to your crush
My confession to my crush went not perfect.

So the backstory:
We met eachother back when we were 15/16 on a exchange project, we went to the same school, but we had never really crosses paths before. So we met in Barcelona instead of my hometown all the way back in the Netherlands. So we started of as friends, and it was pretty damn obvious he liked me, and he asked me out. At the time I said no. And to be honest I am really glad I did, because we would not have made it this far if I said yes back then.

Also when I met him he was this tall skinny guy, with his back arched, shoulder pointing inwards, big glasses, really damn nerdy, and really easy to control, he did not really have an opinion himself, but he was extremely nice and just a great best friend! And he was that for me for the following 4 years.

So we graduated highschool and in the last year he had really grown up, we all did. He got lenses, got an attitude, his posture improves a lot and he grew out his hair in these beautiful brown curls. (Just to specify he changed a lot in appearance but also on the inside.) And we went to different universities and I started to miss him, we used to hang out a lot. When I saw him I got really happy and excited, when we made plans I was hyped the days before, I started thinking about him all the freaking time and it was annoying as hell! So eventually after a year I realized: i like him, a lot. And I called my friends, because we are in the same friends circle and all of them are dudes and I just wanted to make sure they were okay with me dating him. It did not occure to me that he could say no, and everyone was extremely excited for me. So i set up a date to the movies with him. But we had to meet up one time prior to that because of a birthday. So i was totally not going to confess on a party! Right? I was there pretty early and the guys were teasing the fuck out of me. Like they were a group of teenage girls. So eventually he walks in and they act as normal as they can, except my best friend. He is just looking from him to me and me to him and he cant stop laughing. And the giy just looked so confused and kinda upset, because EVERYONE WAS ACTING WEIRD. Damn you friends. So I took his hand and we sat outside and talked a lot, mostly me going with "this is really awkward for me cause of our history" and after like an hour of talking I just blurted it out. "I like you." And he just stared at me. A blanc stare. His mouth open just a little bit. And the seconds just ticked by. And he just said nothing. And i got anxious and scared and panicked and I kissed him. And he kissed me back. And when I pulled back I asked : "is that a yes" and he just looked at me with these teary eyes and answered "yes, god yes, yes yes yes!"

Now fast forward another 2 years and we are looking for a place to live together! So yea, confessing was great! Also he told me his side of the story. He said it was love at first sight for him, 6 years ago in Barcelona. And he had never really looked at anyone else romantically, yes he has had fling but nothing serious. So when I asked him out, he told me that he did answer me. But he was so shocked that he probably answered me in his head, he totally spaced out on me from shock! Lol he is so cute.


AcornaHL May 15, 2019 10:27 am

this is the cutest damn thing ever. Someone please make this into a manga! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ

TheReader May 15, 2019 3:10 am

Wow....thank you for sharing that heart warming story...

Yoongi's Stan May 15, 2019 2:58 am

So cuteヾ(☆▽☆)

Kisaki May 15, 2019 2:44 am

omg!!! lol!!! Woah. I'm happy for you. That was such a great story! He sounds like an awesome guy. It's great he got confidence and grew into himself. It must've been nerve racking for him to just stare blankly at you after confessing. So misleading!!!

Gobe May 14, 2019 11:09 pm

Oooh...you played with my heartstrings. Hope you're still happy!


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