What do you think of physical discipline and why?
I have seen multiple stances on this issue. Some claim that physical discipline should not be shunned as a part of someone's parenting style. They claim that they were hit as a child and turned out fine since it fixed their behavior; therefore, this kind of parenting is a cycle. If your parents hit you as a child, you are more likely to do the same to your own child.
On the other hand, others claim that it is a toxic way of parenting, hurts the child, damages the parent-child relationship, does not fix behavior, and instead may promote a cycle of bad parenting. Many psychologists and developmental experts claim that spanking and hitting is a more outdated way of punishment, makes the child more likely to experience stress and anxiety, and makes children fear their parents by conditioning them. There is a saying, "Strict parents have the sneakiest children."
Those whose views lay in the middle claim that there is a line between discipline and abuse, such as hitting too hard or the parent hitting out of anger is dangerous and abuse. They do not see a problem with a few hits if the child's behavior is too bad. However, people who disagree with physically disciplining your child should not be the first option that parents turn to. A parenting style that sets rules but explains to the child why their behavior is wrong or allow input is more likely to be effective. Understanding the root of their behavior and addressing mental health issues in children are important.
What is your view on this issue?
"Strict parents have the sneakiest children."
Hahahaha thats true :>
I grew up in an Asian household so I frequently experience physical discipline (rotan, ruler and books) by my teachers and parents back then :v. But for me, I did not got stress and anxiety from physical discipline because I got used to it and rather than fearing it, I will fac......
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25 05,2021