I see a lot of people in the LGBTQ+ community on this website who seem to be really intimidated by coming out...I’m here to (hopefully) give you some peace of mind...
YOU DON’T NEED TO COME OUT OF THE CLOSET!! (Imma explain my reasoning...)
Crazy right?? But it’s true! A lot of younger LGBTQ+ peeps have this misconception that once you figure out you’re not a straight, cis, whatever... you must come out of the closet...but in truth? What’s the rush for?
You have your whole life to figure yourself out, don’t let others rush you into it. When you come out, do it on your terms (not for others). When you’re ready, you’ll know you’re ready. You don’t have to force yourself into something you don’t want to do.
But don’t get me wrong! Coming out is wonderful if you know what you want and have the need to inform those you trust in order to gain more support...but don’t feel like coming out is an obligation! All it is, is just ripping off a very sticky and stubborn bandaid (but OML it feels so good to have it off).
“What if my parents/friends/ect. are homophobic/transphobic/ect.”
Then don’t come out to them. If they’re homophobic scum, they don’t deserve to know. It’s your business, not theirs. And besides...once you’re an adult you can move out and live your life, your parents will have no control over you. And also, if you have homophobic friends I highly urge you drop them.
But anyways~
If you’re even considering coming out, I just wanna let y’all know that you’re very brave. Coming out takes a lot of courage and it can be a very stressful period of time for many people. If you need someone to talk to about these things, I’m here to support you 100% of the way. I’ll try my best to answer any questions or concerns you may have! (And sorry for the wall of text lmaoooo)

But I'm scared because my family is Muslim and everyone is homophobic and till I get married i can live with the person alone (must be a boy) thankfully I'm pan and can date everyone but it still feels uncomfortable (also pls don't hate on Muslims there are other Muslims that Respect the lgbtq+ community it's just that my family hates sInS
thank you i needed to hear that (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ