Do you think that some people don’t deserve the right to voice their opinions? Or do you think that everyone has/should have the right to say what they like regardless of how fucked up it is?
I’m in the middle. I do believe that some people shouldn’t have the right to voice their opinions because I know people who’s purpose for talking is just to be vaguely ignorant. Then again, it’s not like I can stop them or anything (nor would I try to because telling them that they shouldn’t have a right to speak won’t do me or them a favor). I also know that majority of those people would get what’s coming to them for saying those fucked up things so at the end up the day I just let them talk.
(Reposted this question cause last time I didn’t elaborate and my wording was not the best, my bad?)
Well freedom of speech is being able to say anything you want, but that doesn’t mean whatever you say isn’t going to have consequences and also just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Yanno? reply