I think I might be a Lesbian (?)

Sümük Sümük 2021-05-24 13:17:52 About chat about anything
Idk how to explain this, but recently I've come to realize that I'm into girls. I don't know what to do with my feelings... I mean my whole life I thought that I'm just heterosexual with a overly weird attraction for women. I never felt comfortable with my past boyfriends, I always had the inner feeling that something was missing. Yeah, sorry for the vent btw <3

If there is anyone going through the same situation as me, how did you deal with the situation?


A_very_bored_Humanoid May 24, 2021 1:28 pm

Good for you honey!
I had a similar situation where I was questioning my sexuality and stuff, I never really reached a conclusion. In the end I just came out as pan so no one would really question who I dated or liked even though I’m very fluid with my attraction. Some days the thought of being with anyone seems gross to me, and other days I only have women on my mind, and other other days I can only think about dudes. But most of the time I feel down to be with anyone. I’ve learned to accept being very fluid about my gender/sexuality. Because it is fluid and different for everyone. Just keep those who except you for you close, and don’t worry about people who don’t.

M×G May 24, 2021 1:23 pm

Well I'm not sure if my advice would be any good because I came out when I was 9 years old. And it turns out I'm actually asexual panromantic, but at the time I thought I was lesbian. And I just straight-up just said it. And then I got a girlfriend. I also openly simped for Olivia Newton-John. But I think any Discovery will take a bit of time when it comes to things like sexuality. And if it turns out that you aren't lesbian, and you're in fact another sexuality, it's fine. Keep in mind that it doesn't matter at what stage or what age you are, you still have the right to find what really matches you. So I was very relaxed during the situation. I was open, I had a father who used to be a pastor, and I just thought to myself that if he did not accept me, it didn't matter. He wasn't really a good person anyway. And he still is trying to convince himself that I'm just an ally, not gay. The only reason he didn't do anything wait because I am his only daughter, and he has a great illusion of trying to have a perfect little baby girl. And since I'm the only girl he has he's trying to push it on me. So he wouldn't get rid of me. But yeah my advice is, take it at your own speed. You don't have to make an immediate decision, and just know that anytime you are allowed to change your decision. Everyone is in their own right to find what truly matches them.

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