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Lock your phone. I'm pretty sure every smartphone has that kind of menu.   1 reply
24 05,2021
Wow that fucking sucks, can parents try to understand their child and not make them hate/rebel you? And how can a mobile game change your behavior? Being lazy or smth??? Also you can lock your phone   reply
24 05,2021
I have an older brother who chews way too loud he also barges into my room for no reason he insults me and calls me kid even though he is only 3 years older he is also awake at 1 am playing games and yelling while I'm trying to sleep   reply
24 05,2021
Everytime I’m in the car with my mom and I’m playing genshin she threatens to throw my phone out the window. Then she’ll be like “what would you do if i did that?” Like she doesn’t already know that id cry and I can’t tell if she is trying to make a joke or what bc ik we don’t have the money to just be throwing phones out the window   reply
24 05,2021
tw/// suicide i almost took a knife and stab my mom last week because she got mad at my sister and said that if we both died or hang ourselves, she would be happy to get rid of us   reply
24 05,2021
so my friends and i were playing monopoly. I was basically "in debt" so i had to sell my property to one of my friends, but the thing is, i had houses and i could've sold those, but for some reason, my iq just dropped and i sold all of my property. yeah, does anyone have a hammer?   reply
24 05,2021
when my sister rats me out to our dad.   reply
24 05,2021
Not related to the question but deleting the app from your phone doesn’t delete the progress ‘cause you need an avcount for Genshin Impact You can just download it and log back in, and everything will be just like the last time you logged in   1 reply
23 05,2021

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