Random manga character traits you dislike
Okay so I know you guys HATE the rapey dudes and such, so tell me about a different personality trait that immediately turns you off
I absolutely despise the character who is a slob, can’t take care of themselves, can’t cook, has a pigsty for a room, and basically makes their loves take care of them because they can’t function as a grown adult
While I do enjoy when the other takes care of them, (i.e. cooking for them if they get home late) it is pretty much ruined if they act like a freaking child. They’re your lover, not your mother (or father, pls don’t hurt me)
Girl characters that are solely there to make the ML more desirable/act as a love rival and bully the MC. So fukin annoying, nobody’s life revolves around some guy, give them some fukin personality
06 05,2019