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I have those screen Privacy protector It's annoying at first when you wanna show your friend/family something but you wanna see it yourself too but over time you will get used to it. I mean it does the job well done!, read a BL in public next to my mum and she couldn't understand why I was grinning + Giddy XD   1 reply
23 05,2021
ya'll read it in public? i-   reply
23 05,2021
um i dont read yaoi i read shounen ai   reply
23 05,2021
Arysa 23 05,2021
You guys read yaoi in pubic?? First is WHY??? Cause I dont-   reply
23 05,2021
23 05,2021
i dont   1 reply
23 05,2021
In public I prefer read shonen ai, and tbh I grin more while reading cute scenes in shonen ai(or yaoi with less smut scenes)   reply
23 05,2021


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