Helping hand

Aviinà Aviinà 2019-05-02 22:49:57 About helping with problems
Hii there first of all I want to know if someone or somebody
Had also helped a person in an emotional state
we’re you wanted to help them and received feelings of guilt at
the same time??? Helping them whit talking to the other party

In short:
What would you do?
Two friends are in a fight one of them tries desperately,
Making up again, the other doesn’t have any interest.
They are like: just leave me alone and don’t search for me nor contact me again. I (just) don’t want anything to do with you anymore!
A: i’ll be just be a listening ear
B: i’ll be a listening ear and will help him
C: I’ll be a listening ear and help him (because he/she desperately
cry’s and begs for your help trying to talk to the friend. (Even if the friend doesn’t want anything to do whit her anymore)

Thank you for your time


kaederin July 1, 2019 5:40 pm

So I'm not alone. Exactly my story . But it ended

Fujoshi2Deep May 6, 2019 7:42 pm

Personally, I would always lend a listening ear to a friend. But i do believe that if someone wants their space, it is respectful to give them that space. If these were my personal friends, I would tell the one upset that they need to respect the other's space. If you so feel the need to reach out, the furthest you should do is to send a message of sort letting the other know that you wish to talk, you wish to make up, you wish to respect them and that you're willing to wait. And then the best you can do is wait.
To me, respect in friendships are sooo important. So if someone chooses and needs their space, it needs to be respected. Also, as a bystander who cares a lot for your own friends, I understand how you feel. Wanting to help but kind of cant. And the honest truth is that, sometimes the best you can do is just be an ear. The responsibility of making up or letting things break is up to the two directly involved (which sucks as a friend who cares so much for the two). But people are people, some are entitled to cutting people out of their lives and some are entitled to sit and learn with their mistakes and some just cant mix together, which is honestly fine.

anyway, i hope i can give you some insight?? It's tough to be squeezed in between two friends fighting. I just want to send you lots of support and to say that, you're not responsible for their happiness or friendship. The only thing you're responsible for is your relationship to each one specifically. Of course, if you wish to be a good friend and extend your help, do so. but respect the wishes of people in general :) sending you good vibes and luck

helping with problems

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