Mind if i tell you guys a secret?
I don't love my parents.
I mean they're not toxic or anything either, I just don't feel any attachment towards my family. I don't feel an attachment towards anyone, really. Like the other day, they announced that we were going on a staycation- my sibling was jumping with joy and I was dreading it. And not because of the trip itself, but because of the fact that I have company. I will go as far as to say that if anyone close to me died, I wouldn't care. My nana, whom I had so many childhood memories with and so many fun times with, passed away last year. We couldn't go to the funeral because of covid (it wasn't in our country), and honestly, I was unfazed. I mean- I'm not even an introvert, I don't hate people. So I feel really guilty when I think about these things. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, so don't be shy, please tell me.
Kinda feels like you lack empathy (I think is the word) but not completely there's not really anything wrong with that and if you wasn't exactly close to your nana I don't know why you'd feel all that bad either I hate my mom and oldest brother but I'm stuck with em but ig it could always be worse
22 05,2021