Omega, Beta and Alpha universe but actually happened
So what would you do if tomorrow something happened to everyone's water and everyone turned into an Omega(they are rare like 20%-30% of the population),Alpha or Beta but only 5% or the world population was immune so they are still normal(but they cant give birth to a regular human they can only give birth to a child that is like the other parent for example if the parent is a Omega the baby will be an Omega). My questions is;
What is the first thing you ?
Where would you go?
What would you want to be(Omega, Alpha, Beta)?
Would you try to runaway and try to hide?
What would be you ideal partner?
Would you try to have a partner like you(Alpha=Alpha, Omega=Omega,Beta=Beta)?
i'd be a fucking beta and live my life in peace
22 05,2021