AOT ending was okay*spoiler*
Just read the update and gotta say I didn't find it as bad as people claimed it to be. Again ofc everyone has different viewpoints so we cannot force our views on other but for me it wasn't perfect but it was okay. But saying it was trash is a bit harsh. AOT has always been something that views wars as realistic as possible. When Mikasa died she is shown as an old woman hinting that Eren's beloved comrades lived peaceful lives(Eren's ultimate reason for his actions) As for paradis getting destroyed, there were buildings and advanced missiles which means centuries have passed and the old paradis is no more, nor is the old Marley. The new generation of people turned greedy and started war again. That's the ultimate real life human mindset. People are never satisfied with peace and always opt for war.(The current situation is the perfect example) people are always fighting, always conquering and that destroys the world...that's something that happened in aot as well. When the kid found Eren's tree all the buildings were covered in bushes hinting that decades had already passed and on the winning side life probably went on...
I know most of us wanted a more satisfying ending with peace being formed forever, paradis moving beautifully forward, yes it did for a great amount of time tho, and stuff but isayama just went for a realistic aspect and decided this(if he genuinely did.)
Again having different opinions is valid but don't go and call the author names and say aot is trash or whatever. Imagine how much pressure he'd have being the creator of one of the biggest animes ever created...he must've gone through so much dilemmas and confusion and not everyone is perfect so he could've gotten emotionally drained as well. Please be kind guys