has anyone ever had a NDE ( near death experience ) before? if so what happened and what did you see
for me i have.. i remember when i was around 9 i had a serious head injury and had the ambulance called. keep in mind i was bleeding like crazy and all i could remember was me blacking out- as soon as i blacked out i felt this sensation of people watching over me and just felt a lot of happiness and calmness idk how to explain it but i can tell you it was a relaxing feeling also heard voices of people around me im kind of convinced they were past relatives who passed away since i never heard them before but they kept saying my name then all of a sudden i came back to my senses and woke up finding myself in the ambulance on the way to the hospital i was in intense pain but also scared into what the fuck just happened.. im telling you i still remember it till this day.
The closest i can get is getting my finger cut off because of the electric fan and spilling blood everywhere. I have a scar after that happened lmao. 1 reply