It is one of the stupidest decision I have ever made.

Salted Fish Salted Fish 2021-05-17 10:30:42 About stupidest thing everdone
Boarding school. It was supposed to be a good learning environment but it turned out to be a nightmare. I didn't know how I survived there for a whole 5 fucking years but here I am with social anxiety and mild depression. *sigh*


YSN May 18, 2021 8:47 am

I hope you get better!

FBI May 17, 2021 10:36 am

srsly? i dont know if i should say it was to be expected or just surprising because boarding school has too many rules and are probably more stricter... but at the same time i thought it'd be fun with ur roomies...
guess it depends on WHERE u went boarding skool maybe?/////

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