it still kinda hurts after 5 years lol i want closure

artofsky artofsky 2021-05-17 06:01:30 About not getting over someone
had my first official bestfriend when i moved to this school and in 9th grade she just... left without saying goodbye. like her situation was hard, ik and understand the reason behind that choice but she could've at least said goodbye yk it really hurt to think that she could cast me and our other friend easily


munamun August 10, 2023 10:39 pm

The best thing to do is keep in mind that there’s someone else that is going to be better for you, not to hate on your best friend, but there will always be a time where people come and go. But know that there’s also people that stick around, and you should keep those close.

I had a best friend too, like in grade 6, we would message and talk on FaceTime. But like when Covid started (Ik u prolly heard or seen this so many times), and I did online school so did she, but she went back to school, though I didn’t. We drifted apart. I would text her and she would barley reply back, prolly cause of school, but now I think of it I probably was annoying, and she might have not thought of me as much of best friend as I did. We saw each other on our grade 8 graduation and we hugged and congratulated, so I thought when grade 9 starts we could be closer again, but I was wrong. She didn’t approach me or talk to me and I was scared that it would be awkward if I approached her. We did work on a project for school together and I felt happy, she even asked me did I delete my socials (I did because I got so sad maybe depressed but ye). Now we don’t talk at all. So I think I was just someone who thought we would be close again.

THOUGH, I did have another bff who I was and still close too since elementary, and in high school too. I keep her close, because she’s awesome. SO keep in mind it’s normal for ppl to come and go, and know that someone better is going to be in your life. I do understand how u feel. Sorry for the rant. I’m going to grade 10, and I have made like 2 new friends and got another bff. Sometimes it’s best to let things go, not that it’s going to be easy, but there are other good ppl in your life or they are going to come. Stay strong.

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