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Istg if I see anyone mention Tohru-   2 reply
15 05,2021
Gabrielle the hoe from "Untouchable Lady." She is only "nice" because she has never been taught the right way to act. She does not have the concept of "evil" or "empathy" because her stepfather and stepbrother love her, even putting the mc Hilse in prison as a sacrifice for her wrongdoings. She whines to her stepfather and stepbrother when things d......   1 reply
16 05,2021
Bro I agree that some overly pure/ nice characters are annoying, but Jennette from Who made me a princess I don't actually hate her, if she doesn't threaten Athy's spot then do whatever she want, doesn't mean I like tho (Trashta and Shoeshit haha)   1 reply
16 05,2021
Note I don't hate him (I think he's precious) but sometimes he's WAY overly nice or extremely modest to the point it frustrates my very soul And then these two hoes (she was a lot more nice in the beginning of I'm being 100% honest here but it was more like she just has no intelligence like a child and which it's given since she was a slave but n......   2 reply
16 05,2021
Elizabeth from 7ds   1 reply
16 05,2021
luke from obey me when he was on my home screen he was so annoying but i love him   1 reply
16 05,2021
deku he needs to stfu about his stupid as quirk and father   1 reply
16 05,2021
Any shounen anime protagonist. One moment they be fighting someone who was trying to kill them, and the next, they be the bestest of friends.   1 reply
16 05,2021

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