Knives and bugs
Ik they seems like fears anyone can have and its sorta normal but for me i feel like ill die sometimes. Like if i see a bug or insect or spider no matter the size i will be scared and run away and involuntarily shake. Then for a while i will be spooked and jump everytime i step on something bc i think i am stepping on a bug of some sorts. For knives, it not when im using it but it when i c other ppl using it near me and they make any sudden movement with the knife in their hand i will jump bc i think i am about to be stabbed. Like they could be yards away but i will still jump and let out a scream. Both of them annoy my family to no end especially when we make something in the kitchen but i really cant help it. Im just a huge pussy basically. I do constitute them as phobias bc most times its not completely rational for me to be scared of either of them but i cant really control that i am.