What is a creepy unexplained childhood experience that you had?
( ̄ε(# ̄)ΣSaw this tiktok video compilation on youtube and wanted to ask you guys about yours.
In my childhood, i do have a lot of very creepy experiences and unexplained ones. A whole lot, like a feel like my whole childhood was made of it. So here's one experience that wrecked a havoc in my class.
One time, in 3rd grade, when i was 8, the class president was passing the checked test papers we have in a certain subject. I took my paper, looked at my score, checked my wrong answer and my right answers and kept it in the bag. The next day at the same class, the same thing happened. So i asked the class president who was handing out the test papers why this was being given back when it was jusy given back yesterday. He looked at me with a puzzled expression and told me what was i talking about and that the papers were just given by the teacher. My classmates who were near us butted in the discussion. I told them the same thing and they all looked at me with disbelief. So to prove everything i recited my score and each of their scores, which shocked them all as they still havent told theirs. But they were still in disbelief so i just brushed it off.
I told my mom and she said same thing happened to her. She told me that what i experienced was a dream that became a reality. As there were also times when my mother had dreams that became real. So until now i still keep track of them. There is still times were my dreams becomes real but it takes years. So i decided to list the dreams i always remember to be able to know which are the future and which are just dreams.
So yes this is one of my childhood experiences. If you all wanna know the others id create part two. This is already too long lol.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 ( ̄∇ ̄")
So in our neighborhood there is a myth about the chicken man that lives deep in the woods. (Most likely our parents made it up so we didn’t go too far in) so the chicken man eats kids and dead chickens and just has a bunch of chickens and dead chickens and idk I don’t really remember lol but he was scary. So me and my friends love exploring the......
2 reply
14 05,2021
idk why but during my childhood until now, strangers much older than me would always approach me for no reason, especially male ones. and there was this one time when I was in grade scool, a man on his 30 ig would always wait for me on the pickup area in my school, he was just there standing on an area near me and would always take a glance on me f......
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14 05,2021
My mom told me that when I was in kindergarten, I used to cry at exactly 9 am in the morning everyday. I apparently saw a slender headless man with wings(Nobody else claimed to see him other than me). Anyways, the dude only wanted to play with me; I kept screaming when he tried to. Poor guy. I think it went on a few months or maybe a year until it ......
14 05,2021
Idk if this creepy..........nah I don't think it's creepy but that situation really did confuse me....when I was like....8 I guess.....I remember that I didn't came to school...like really I'm at home n I remember that my mom mad at me and everything..... The next day I go ta school.....the teach hands out some booklets for us to do some activity o......
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14 05,2021
Yeah that happens to me too and at my old house creepy things kept happening. One time I had a rubber duck and I was looking at it then it just flew across the kitchen ( it was on the kitchen floor idkw but it was there). I also heard foot steps coming from my parents room when they both were at work my sister and brother said they hear footsteps t......
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14 05,2021
Some random kid that popped out of the trees following me home and trying to get my consent to kiss him and then one day he vanished.
Honestly hope he stays gone fucking weirdo
14 05,2021
happened when i was in 5th grade?, i was trying to get my books for school and had to move between two rooms. my pedo uncle (i was unfortunately a little bit exposed to porn at a young age, that's how i knew he was a pedo. i already had my own phone, coincidentally he was ALSO the one who bought it) was staying over and that night he went upstairs,......
14 05,2021
My mom told me this story,i was 4 and i seperated from her for a little bit and ran to the road. She took awhile to notice me,she ran and was too late to catch up but she saw an older chinese lady holding my hand to cross the road.
Then she waited for another green light to come get me and when she turned around to thank the lady,the lady disappea......
1 reply
14 05,2021