a rant from sad boi
i doubt anyone would read this but just in case they do, ill clarify wtf dis is. im basically writing a monologue about my thoughts that ill regret in the future.
the future is hella scary. i dont know what to do. the thought of being unemployed and living in the streets scares me. being a person without any passion is stupidly annoying. "if only i live in a better area where there are more things to do and try out... then maybe i might be able to pursue it as a carrier", is the pathetic excuse i made for myself who is afraid to try anything. and even when i thought about trying anything, money is the problem. although im not poor but im not well-off either. i cant leech of my parents forever nor my friends when i grow up. but wtf do i do. i dont want to be anything. all my friends seem to have such bright futures and here i am in a dump pile. right now i plan on being a vet but i know im not smart enough to be one. itll probably fail and even if i manage to become one, ill be the one who fucks everything up and get fired constantly. i dont even love animals but neither do i hate them. arghhhhhh its so confusing. i dont want to be alone.
i relate to this way too much even though im just 13
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14 05,2021