If you get a C on a test and have a high A in a class, you suddenly have a C in class as well. WHAT ARE THE POINT OF GROUP PROJECTS, NORMAL PROJECTS AND CLASSWORK???
Today, I passed out during a chemistry test in first period and woke up in the middle of 5th period, disoriented. I couldn’t remember me logging into the zoom in 1st period, couldn’t remember me starting the test. I spent an hour trying to figure out what I did before I passed out. My A is probably going to drop to an F since all tests are 60% of the grade, teacher won’t respond to my emails asking if there’s a retake any time soon, or if I could just get an extra 20 minutes because I know I just need 10 minutes for 25 stupid questions about how you’ll die from consuming cleaning product b/c their high pH levels, and how all fruits have low grade acid. If you drink bleach, just know it will be very bitter since it has a pH level of around 13. Why TF did learn this shit against my will if I can’t even take the test to regurgitate and forget this information on?
Something similar happened with my English teacher, I ask her “how do I turn in this project?” Since it’s on a website we never used until then. I sent 2 emails with the same question, no response to either, there’s no tutorial to this unknown site. She’s literally absent this the same week she assigned it to us so I couldn’t even ask her in the dumb zoom. I can’t ask any of my friends since their teachers fuckin had a place to turn it in unlike my teacher. Apparently she gives me a zero on the last day of REPORT CARDS and my grade drops from an A to a C with the response “I never got your project”. You fucking moron, I ASKED YOU HOW YOU IDIOT.
Okay rant over.
Also I got this dumbass AD after my break down.
