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americans hate america??? my middle east ass is crying rn   1 reply
14 05,2021
M×G 13 05,2021
I am a American, but unlike a lot of Americans on this site, I do not live near an ocean. I am from Missouri. Rather than oceans we have lots of lakes, and cows, lots of cows, sometimes you see cows walk down the street lmfao. Feel free to ask any questions!   1 reply
13 05,2021
14 05,2021
hello i'm a ~california girl~ but i currently live in nevada soooo... i used to live in canada for a while and i was born in seattle. anyways america sucks it fucking sucks   1 reply
14 05,2021
Born and raised in America, but I’m first generation here lolol Nice to meet you ^^ I’ve been to Britain a couple times and really enjoyed my time there, especially around Christmas time in London. I don’t know what to say, so how’s your day been so far? :) I’d love to answer any questions you have as well!   1 reply
13 05,2021
I'm from Ohio. Here we can have all four seasons in one week, rain for the entirety of the week after that, then several frost warnings close to summer.   1 reply
13 05,2021
Im from North America and i eat greasy fries and soda everyday because thats the united states diet.   1 reply
13 05,2021
HIII why do you spell color with a u or the other things with a u (IM SORRY IF THIS QUESTION IS REALLY DUMB I JUST ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOWNDZMMN)   3 reply
13 05,2021
Idk guys, this British dude seems legit ngl   reply
26 05,2021
Lynx 13 05,2021
East Coast American here ! How was your day? I hope you're doing fine rn. (▰˘◡˘▰) Go try and get some tea soon; I got some left but it's peppermint tea (not my liking so that's why it's the only one left haha) But quick question, do you like where you live? For me, it's easy to say, I don't like where I live at times. Oh and what type of ......   3 reply
13 05,2021
ay an asian person here, i'm from indo btw but beside tht the weather is usually hot all the time and eventually you'll get used to it. oh also the ppl here are fucking gorillas-   1 reply
14 05,2021

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