So this person made a post about my answer. This post is very ignorant . There's nothing wrong with sleeping around as long as you're practicing safe sex. It DOESN’T spread STD at all. This is not directly slut-shaming but supporting the stigma around it. Just because someone is having sex a lot doesn’t mean they're being reckless about it. So please don’t spout bullshit like this.
Not really surprised at their reaction after those "unpopular opinions" they have. (#1, #7)
Gotta say that repeatedly deleting the answers that don't agree with them is just cowardly and shows they can't take criticism. I would have expected more than that from an grown adult.
Oops, wrong link^^
Wow a lot of them are very shitty
She's down right bigoted and doesn’t want to face it.
my comment keeps getting deleted from there lmfaoo
That's a coward move
No, people not being safe, not using protection and not fucking telling people about their sexually transmitted diseases (also beastiality) is why we have numerous kinds of those diseases. As long as you both test before hand or use protection like I just said, you won’t get a disease. So people can literally sleep around if they want to as long as you’re SAFE about it. Smh I’m tired of people these days.
Stardust I’m so sorry that you had to deal with this shit. I swear people on mangago be having negative brain cells.
For real. Is it really that hard to understand ?
Lmfao the lack of reading comprehension skills here are incredible
Would you mind explaining what you're trying to say since we lack reading comprehension?
I have seen an unpopular opinion question where they posted around the same thing. I think they said it’s okay to shame people for sleeping around or to shame sluts, and when someone replied and told them that’s wrong, they replied that it’s ok since sleeping around spreads diseases.
For nth time, sleeping around doesn’t spread disease if you are practicing safe sex. And if you think slut shaming people is gping to stop STD spreading then you're the biggest idiot
yes that unpopular opinion and the one with wearing shorts is asking for it which is ridiculous. my comment is deleted again so I'll say this here again, inspired by their words.
I thought we got over the phase of policing/labeling/shaming others based on their sexual activities. Supporting slut shaming does cause harm to others on how they think of themselves (insecurities, self/body image issues, depression) sometimes to the point that it drives them to commit suicide. It's literally harmful so I don't understand why we (I mean you) are still supporting a practice that will cause harm.
I believe I have also seen that post about them shaming people for their clothing choice. They probably deleted it already so I can’t find it even if I tried.
Ah never mind it’s still up https://www.mangago.zone/thing/about/245331/