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I finally managed to encounter somebody on the internet who has a properly functioning brain and this thing called ''common sense''.   reply
12 05,2021
This is so very common among the anime fandoms where the main cast is teenagers. It grosses tf out of me.   reply
12 05,2021
what do you expect from a bunch of 10-14 year olds? it really is disgusting   reply
12 05,2021
ANIME. It annoyed me when they would do this to the girls in anime. they start off as little girls then BAM the girls would have HUGE breasts and thighs and they would be like 15. A MINOR.   reply
12 05,2021
people do this? like actual real decent human beings????????? the same species, humans?????????????????????   1 reply
12 05,2021
Ew yeah BNHA and Haikyuu djs are all disgusting   reply
12 05,2021
yea lmao, i think ive only read one cause i had 0 idea who the characters from the show was, then found out after. anyways if you're going to be reading haikyuu djs, make sure your'e reading the ones where they're adults, and literally living in the time skip not children.   reply
12 05,2021
Then they ask why its wrong, its tiring to tell them why so i just make sure i dont contact them again if i fail to convince them the first 2 times-   reply
12 05,2021


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