If I could choose..
Honestly if I could choose my gender at the start of my life I would choose to be a boy. I mean I'm just so sick of periods and not begin able to go out at night cuz I could be r*ped or some shit. I'm also sick of men looking at my body with those gross thirsty looking eyes. Because of it I feel uncomfy af when I wear even a bit revealing clothes. I have full gallery of videos of me walking alone at night so someone could find it if someone will kidnap me or something else. I need to shave my body hair cause if I won't people will find me disgusting and dirty, even though men don't have to do that. I'm not trans cuz I feel like I'm a girl but yeah.. Actually when I need to go out when it's dark I try to crossdress to look like a boy or look as ugly and disgusting as possible so no one would find me attractive haha
I hope I didin't offend anyone ,If I did sorry
I feel ya sister...
12 05,2021