fuck my school
no but like burn in hell fuck you
s o,
i have a research class and the assignment was to make a research paper like one of those research paper professional adults do. so we do the assignment and we submitted it and everything's jolly and shit but then they said that we need to run it over an originality checker or some shit. and im like yeah okay sure but then i find out that you need to pay for the whole paper to be checked.
by this time tho im super pissed like wtf. why would i need to spend money on some stupid ass fucking paper that isn't eve useful whatsoever and will probably never be used in like ever, why would we(students) need to spend money on a piee of fucking paper?! so, like what, so we could have a decent grade or some shit?
what if im broke? what if my parents are broke? what if we're barely getting by and the only things we have money for is electricity, food, water, supplies etc. and that we dont have money to buy any unnecessary stuff like this shit? my fucking god what the fuck.
honestly it feels like im overreacting and my other classmate are unphased that they have to spend their money on some stupid shit that doesnt even matter.
And they spend all the money we give them on redesigning the place...
12 05,2021