Trigger Warning: mentions of p8dophilia, homophobia, verbal harassment
So I graduated from high school last year and thank fucking god! I had this creepy art teacher, let's call him Mr. S. Since the 7th grade Mr. S gave me bad vibes and I was just always weary around him. I remember I was in one of his classes and because I went through a lot of training as a child I find it difficult to slouch. He kept making comments about how slim my waist was and about the arch of my back.
Fast forward to 11th grade. I'm 15/16 and I have a gf. The teacher knew and I faced verbal harassment every day instead bc I wouldn't let him near my gf to talk to her at all. He constantly made comments about how I just hadn't found the right man yet or I just needed some "good dick", while gesturing to himself. I felt so disgusted and he wasn't even some young teacher either. He was a man in his 30s/late 40s.
I instantly knew he was a p*dophile after all of that bc as soon as I graduated he tried video calling me, commenting on my posts, and if I posted any beach pics or anything remotely "revealing" he was in my inbox/dms asking for them. I blocked him and changed my number because of that.

i was beaten to it, but i’m sorry about the bs you had to go through :/
he should just rot, i wish you had reported him so he got what was coming to him. good on you for keeping distance between you and the teacher as well s a distance between your teacher and your girlfriend! i wish the best in the upcoming future ^^
I couldn't even report him bc my mom (and most of my family) are homophobic so it would just get me into more trouble. I just had to put up with it.
Man, what a fucking creep.
and I wasn't the only girl he targeted. I even heard rumors that he slept with his students too.
Which highschool student would want to sleep with an old and wrinkly geezer..?
idek but apparently some of the rumors were actually true about him sleeping with students...
That's creepy af, report that man. How dare he being horny on girls half or even lower his age. Imma cut off his schlong.
he scared me if I'm being honest, I was so scared to even be alone in the same room as him.
omg i hope your okay now. that sounds so fucking scary
sometimes I see him around and so I hide my face with my hoodie and my saving grace; MASKS!
you should try to report him, so that doesn’t happen to anyone else
I couldn't back then and I still can't bc of the fact that I most likely would've been disowned by my parents.
But aren't you older now, to the point where you can take care of yourself, you should report him and if your parents disown you, you can take care of yourself. I mean that's what I would do if I where in your shoes . But If you don't want to that's fine, but just think about his future female students .