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First; your grammar is off. Second; no I'm not, why? I am not where I want to be in my career and idk if it'll even work out because even if you plan it nothing ever goes 100% according to plan and it's kind of depressing. ( ̄へ ̄)   reply
10 07,2019
I'm not really satisfied but I think it's all right I'm breathing eating having a home to sleep in and loving people around me for my career my studies and future self I think its not what I really want to do but I kinda accept it and going with the flow why you confused about your future talk it out in here (=・ω・=)   reply
10 07,2019
No. I’m in a constant state of feeling like something massive is missing from my life, some huge hole in me that I can’t explain that makes me feel incomplete. I hope I figure out how to fill that hole one day, but for now I’m just living and breathing and trying to be happy and that’s all you can really do. C:   reply
10 07,2019
Pretty much I mean I'm 13 I'm pretty content. But I do have big goals. I want to go to UCLA for my collage, then I want a career in Music, I want to make music so badly, I can't live without it. I do t want kids. Nope. Too much work. But yeah my life is pretty chill. Bc I'm 13.   1 reply
13 07,2019
I am not. Well I don't even know what I wanna be, but everyone are pushing me on the way they think is the best for me... never asked me what I want. there isn't anything to be satisfied from.   2 reply
10 07,2019
How could I? Im not 100% happy with my career, but I cannot quit immediately. Also, this career cause me to be away from my family and partner, Im tired everyday, I dont sleep well and I am getting fat!!   reply
10 07,2019
yeah i am happy with my life so far (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
09 03,2019
No... And the worst part is that there's NOTHING I can do to change that. If it was a matter of studying harder, working harder, or do something, I would move the earth to make it happen. It's my health. A phobia that will never be entirely cured, so it gets in the way too often, and an extreme allergy of a chemical substance we use on my college, ......   reply
10 07,2019
Pretty much, currently. My mood is easily swayed tho so one time I'm so happy that I could scream of joy the next my mood can be so bad that I could scream full of anger lol   reply
10 07,2019
Yup I am. Except my depression that comes and goes as it likes I have nothing to complain about. I'm healthy, my looks are okay, I have enough money to live with, caring and loving parents, good grades and even though I don't have many friends I know that those are real friends :D   reply
10 07,2019

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