Hi and yes I'm making another one of these in the span of a few minutes but I can't stop thinking about this character either but they never killed him I'm talking about the alligator guy in the ant arc like he just got in the ocean and swam away does he ever reappear in the manga or is he just ruling the ocean now like?? He just got away I thought that they were going to find him with the fishes that played the dart game but he was never brought up so is he just having fun in the ocean swimming around with a bunch of fishes? Or did he die? I sure as hell don't remember him ever resurfacing and helping the other ants out? But I know they all tried to branch off and create their own nest so does he just have a nest under water which means that a whole nother ant arc would be made from ocean animals? Once again I'll post a picture of what the character looks like under my post :D
This guy! like he just got in the water and swam away I don't even think anybody else knows he exist which means he's just ruling the ocean waiting to resurface with his ant ocean creature hybrid things reply