We all know that readers in this site were talking about rape in fiction and rape yaoi is disgusting etc. Im not that professional when talking about this but i just wanna ask, is it okay for read that kind of thing like ya know i kinda read all yaoi if the story is interesting and now i feel like its bad for read some yaoi that have a rape thing in the story even tho i read it for the plot or the story is interesting enough for me to keep reading like ya know the feeling.
Im so sorry for the confusing sentences bc ya know im kinda nervous while typing this bc i dont want ppl to say that im actually supporting rape or having a rape fetish and man my mother-tongue is not english.
Don't worry you're not a supporter of rape if you read a few yaoi that contains rape. As long as you don't fetishise/romanticise rape and you recognise that its fcking harmful there's no problem reply