Stop the Diet crap.

Inaren Inaren 2021-05-10 08:25:37 About lose weight
To everybody above who's obsessing with "I want to lose weight", "I want to lose at least this much a month and so on", seriously, I'm gonna stop you right there.

First, only 5% of diets are actually successful and the weight kept on the long term. What happens to the 95% is that you're going to rebound because mentally and physically, you're going to get back what you deprived yourself from. So if you're at that stage, worse if you're in your teens, you're just at the beginning of a dumb yo-yo cycle that's going to give you 10kgs of extra weight and extra emotional baggage you would have never gotten without diets in the first place.
Stop trying to make your weight your identity. You don't go around announcing your weight to the world, and nobody cares more than you do. People see how you look, how you act and nobody will ask your weight, other than you doctor, and even to them you don't have to tell them if you don't want to. Stop weighing yourself; Get into a healthy relationship with your body rather than an obsessive one with the scale. Learn about self-love, Intuitive Eating and learn how to cook so you actually enjoy the whole process of feeding yourself, instead of dreading it and making both your dream and nightmare.

I'm a 26yo who's recovering from ED, so yes, I've been there. I've been fat, skinny, and all the bad shit someone can do to themselves in between. I have done every damn diet out there, calling it "healthy eating". NOTHING beats actually loving your body and being so proud of it. I have no freaking idea how much I weigh anymore, I just feel great and it shows. I love running, I love my pasta, pizza nights, and I love my fruits, and salads when I feel like having a salad! I even learned to love my larger thighs, which I loathed for years (despite all my partners telling me I was sexier with it), and now I know which skirts are best for my body type, not exercise I should do to make them thinner. If you're letting yourself and others attach tags to your body, find a way to get over it.
Stop telling others "how to" diet too. I know you mean well, but orienting people towards self-love is the first step to sparing them a decade of ED and self-loathing. You only have one body in life, so start treating it like you love it, because I'm sure you would never tell a friend what you tell to yourself/your body.

I don't care if I come as rude, but I'm telling you because I've been there, I'm still struggling to get out of the Diet mentality, I'm happy if I can save someone else a decade of that shit. Seriously, your skinny friends are not the ones who are on diet 24/7, they are the ones who just eat when they feel like eating, eat what their body really feels like eating, and they can stop when they are full because they don't suffer the FOMO triggered by diets. Seriously, start reading about Intuitive Eating, treat your body nicely and learn to listen to it. For real.
Don't read blogs about diets and your (k)pop idols favorite regimens, because you're not them. You don't need to be underweight to look good on camera, and you don't have a personal stylist, hairdresser, and makeup artist to cover your flaws every morning. It's just you and your body, so learn to work with it yourself, don't beat it around to fit into the mold of someone who's probably having their own fight with theirs. Have a blast choosing your makeup, your clothes, accessories, and make your body your best ally. No one looks as good as someone who feels good in their skin, is confident AF, and rocks the style they love. You don't want to be a wannabe forever, so get started on who YOU are and who YOU want to really be.

That's it for me folks!

lose weight

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