I'm going to fuckin snap
(This is basically just a vent)
TW// cursing, sexism, I'm going inane (this probably doesn't even make sense, I don't feel like reading back on it)
I litterally ruined mother's even though she belittles every tramatic expirence I've ever had but I still feel like shit.
But I was at the hospital because I couldn't breathe do to some throat thing and after a few hours there I was discharged. Now my entire family completely hates me because I ruined mother's day.
So I stayed home as they visit my Nana's. And I went to check out my older sisters tiktok.
And the comments are pissing me off so fuckin much. Like what she said in the tiktok was stupid but that doesn't mean her or my cousin should get body shamed and shit.
All the fucking comments are from "super straight" pieces of shit who congratulate them selves every night because they posted a shitty comment on another person's social media, just so they feel like they have power over women and shit.
And it gets on my fucking nerves. Ive calmed down a bit from before but im so fucking scared I'm gonna snap and kill or hurt someone. Im tired of this fucking shit of a world.
if u respond thank you for taking the time out of your day to read a piece of my shitty life but I doubt anyone's gonna read this anyways lol.
I'm gonna go off on your family so hold your ass.
You didn't ruin Mother's Day. That's a fact. Your body had issues, they should've been worried about how you couldn't breathe, not how you "ruined" Mother's Day.
Your cousin sounds like a bîtch, the super straight people are so fucking stupid, ignore them, they think they're all that when they'......
1 reply
10 05,2021
Here's an example of a comment on my sister's tiktok it makes me so fuckin sick
4 reply
10 05,2021
eyy bro I don't give advices or anything because I'm that one peices of shit who knows nothing so, I, um, hope you good luck..!
1 reply
10 05,2021
They did not just say you ruined Mother’s Day. They should’ve been worried about YOU! Not about a HOLIDAY! Get a new family bc that’s just… no
1 reply
10 05,2021
Not me about to let your family's ankles meet my metal baseball bat-
You did nothing wrong. Fuck your family, you have throat issues to the point you couldn't breathe. Too bad, their 'precious' day was ruined because you needed immediate medical help. Do not pay a bit of attention to their selfish and disgusting comments and thoughts.
Those comme......
1 reply
10 05,2021