pussy is tasty
Sometimes when I'm bored, I like to slurp my girlfriends tasty pussy. She cums every time and I get my free meal. We do this when we're bored and don't want to cook.
Hi repost.
I'm hella embarrassed to say this on my main so here it goes.
I'm having some gender dysphoria? I think that's the term for it...
I go buy all pronouns right now but prefer he/him cause I'm not too sure where I stand on all this.
Alright basically, I'm a female right. I have a vagina. I know how shocking.
But the idea of identifying as a male makes me more comfortable. Now I don't mind being called a female but the other option is better I guess. However at the same time, I don't like identifying as either male of female. Sometimes having "no gender" is better. So as I currently type this, I'm having a dilemma. I hate feeling this way especially considering I live in a VERY conservative family.
Help me. Am I agender, non-binary, etc? It all confuses be so I just don't know.
It sounds like non-binary or genderfluid. But take your time and figure it out on your own, since it's a personal matter, nobody has a say in it but you. Honestly, you are you, and it's just a label anyways, it doesn't define you as a person, so no need to worry so much about it.
08 05,2021