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Nahhh I never really did. It sounds like a magic fantasy book that’s trying really hard not to seem like a magic fantasy book. Also once I started to learn and watch YouTube videos about the history of the world, none of that bible shit made anyyyyy sense, one of it aligns with science and even if he is real, I wouldn’t ever stand with e Chris......   reply
08 05,2021
09 05,2021
I stand by this. "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - EPICURUS   1 reply
09 05,2021
Uh, no. Being religious is a learned behavior. It's not "belief", it's indoctrination. Only difference between a religion and a cult is the number of adherents and how long it's been around.   reply
08 05,2021
Lumi 08 05,2021
Do I believe that something created this world and put us all here? Yes do I believe it's god? Absolutely not Christians themselves ruined their own religion and it's so funny to me I also don't believe "hell" is anything like how Christians describe it either if anything I just think it's a tactic to scare people into submission using the "if yo......   1 reply
08 05,2021
yes i do believe in God but not in any religion cause i feel like its stupid, making up these stupid rules that does not apply to the modern world, also as a gay person i have a very bad relationship with the church and christians   1 reply
08 05,2021
i only believe in one god and its cale   3 reply
04 06,2021
NO. He is a figure created when humanity was dumb and naïve. They didn't know about science, the explanation for the stars etc. They also needed someone to look up to, someone to lead them, to guide them. So as an explanation for everything they created a fictional being called god.   1 reply
08 05,2021
08 05,2021
no. i've had an extremely bad experience with Christians and christianity, them not even letting me be myself.   1 reply
08 05,2021
No I don't even know who the hell write bible so what am I supposed to say?   reply
08 05,2021
I usually don't like answering such questions since it typically leads to arguments and I live in a Christian country where nonbelievers are considered evil. But really, no. Haha Religion was made to control people through reward and punishment. It has been used to condition the mind of its followers. Do good and follow me, you'll go to heaven. D......   1 reply
08 05,2021

be a follower of god cale

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