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I started doing online school in 10th grade and am now supposed to be in 12th grade but school was never my thing and so my family and me decided it would be better for me to just get my ged instead so thats what im doing now   reply
15 02,2019
I got a GED instead of finishing high school. I missed my last semester because of medical reasons and didn't want to go back to school afterwards.   reply
15 02,2019
No but I’m homeschooling my kid. Secular homeschooling, not a religious nut who doesn’t want a worldly kid type of bullshit. I homeschool bc our schools are criminally underfunded, over militarized and bc kid’s that don’t fit in are pounded until they fit, or break. I couldn’t afford private school either. But we have co-op where various ......   reply
16 02,2019
I went to an alternative school. I dropped out at 17 because my anxiety was to bad for regular school anyways it was basically home schooling at a community center with tutors who taught us what we needed to know for exams and then they took us to the school board to do the exams. Was so much easier 10 am til 2-3 pm with 6-7 students. My French cla......   1 reply
16 02,2019
I took GED and now i'm in my 3rd term of my 1st year in university. I took the test because my teacher advised me too, he said I had nothing left to learn in highschool, so just skip it and go to university. Honestly, I don't regret it. I still keep in contact with my friends from highschool and i've also widened my circle of friends with the new f......   reply
16 02,2019


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