Can we talk about the bi and pan eraser..... We get shit From straight people and the LGBTQ+ community..... Why the fuck do I only have to like one gender when there's soo mannny????????? AND DONT CALL ME SELFISH, DONT CALL ME A CLOSETED GAY, I DON'T AND WILL NOT SLEEP WITH EVERYONE AND NO IM NOT CONFUSED!!!!!!!! I wanna start my own community of only bi's and pans because everyone seems to actually hate us and think we don't exist. I THOUGHT THE B IN LGBTQ+ STANDS FOR BISEXUALS.... BUT NOOOOOOOOOO. I expect that from straight people but from a community that I'm supposed to feel like I belong, I don't feel that way.... ALSOOO IF I IDENTIFY AS PAN IM NOT BIPHOBIC OR IF I IDENTIFY AS BI IM NOT PANPHOBIC STFU. I swear to god people are never satisfied with anything, they just like being difficult and make you feel like shit. ALSO if you came out as bi and then you realize later you're gay THAT DOESNT MATTER YOU'RE STILL VALID DONT LISTEN TO HOES. .... end of rant.....
this is honestly so relatable, that's why i don't really associate myself with every community that im "supposed" to be apart of. i support individuals, because every tree has it's bad apples. reply