I might’ve changed my mind
Recently I found someone debating and arriving into the conclusion that actually, forget ass and tiddies. Thighs were the best. I, staunchly secured in my position of being an ass lover began to prepare a logical and convincing argument to counter the “thighs are best” conclusion that some people had come to. So I began to brainstorm a counter thinking that while a nice pair of thighs are good, ass... and then I hit me. What do I think are nice thighs? I’m not very much of a skinny anime girl thighs kind of guy, but what if it was a nice pair of thick muscled thighs that could crush my skull had I place my head between them? And if the thighs belonged to a woman? Suddenly I began to doubt my self. Would I really take a firm ass over a a juicy pair of skull crushers? I began to falter. After contemplating this while I finished cleaning my kitchen, I have decided that thighs are superior. But only by a little bit.
Ok that's it ass/thighs/tits or whatever it's doesn't matter they are all good
07 05,2021