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Am I homophobic [Answer]
Blonde Chanel 06 05,2021
What u got going on is tolerance u don’t hate the idea of LGBTQIA+ people but ur not going to openly support us. It comes from a place of inner homophobia u know it’s wrong to be against us (since well homophobia just whack and doesn’t make any logical sense) but since it’s not the “norm” of society ur still not accepting. It’s that s......   1 reply
06 05,2021
Am I homophobic [Answer]
nishinoya 06 05,2021
Yeah you're homophobic.   reply
06 05,2021
Am I homophobic [Answer]
06 05,2021
You contradict yourself here a few times, saying you don't support it but want to be neutral about it. You can support those who are LGBTQ+ and be okay hanging around them, but the second you start thinking about their sexuality and how it impacts you that's a problem. From what you described that's a bit homophobic since you're not fully accepti......   1 reply
06 05,2021
Am I homophobic [Answer]
StoikyBoi 06 05,2021
Maybe you’ve gotten the wrong idea of what a gay couples normally looks like, and you painted all gay couples into a bad image. I’ve had a lot of friends like you, who dont care about me being gay. but once I start showing gender expression, fluidity or boyslove images, they get agitated. It goes to show how these type of people only accept us,......   1 reply
06 05,2021
Am I homophobic [Answer]
Pax 06 05,2021
I'm gonna be blunt here; You're homophobic. A common homophobic rhetoric is: "i DoN't SupPoRt tHe LgBtQ+ cOmMuNiTy bUt I sTiLl ReSpEcT yOu, I dOn'T cArE iF yOu'Re GaY." If you say this people will just automatically assume you're homophobic, there is no way to be neutral on the topic. Treating a group of people as if they are nothing but a politica......   reply
06 05,2021
Am I homophobic [Answer]
06 05,2021
Kind of, but If you don't go out of your way to harass someone for being part of the LGBT community then its all cool. You live your life, we'll live ours. Atleast thats what i believe lol   reply
06 05,2021
Am I homophobic [Answer]
MintyGrande 06 05,2021
It's been a long argument over whether or not anyone is homophobic whether they "don't care" whether anyone is gay. The rationale behind the word "don't worry" but continued opposition to the lgbtq+ remains unclear. You can't think "I don't care" and then hang out with a group of marginalized people. It's completely incorrect in so many ways, and t......   reply
06 05,2021
Am I homophobic [Answer]
06 05,2021
Because of the society we live in, everyone is bound to have internal homophobia, even if you don't actually hate gay people. So then its your job to make sure you don't hurt anyone and educate yourself to change the way you think.   reply
06 05,2021
Am I homophobic [Answer]
SpicyMami 06 05,2021
It depends on your actions towards LGBTQ people I would have to say. If you don't fully support it, I don't think that it necessarily makes you homophobic. As for the nagging feeling you get there could be a lot of reasons for this. Well, there are lots of possibilities if you feel this way; 1. You might be gay/lesbian/etc but just don't realize i......   reply
06 05,2021
You know opinions on the LGBT+ community don't fall into only two categories; It's not that you either A) an avid supporter or B) homophobic. It is possible to NOT support something but NOT be against it, especially when it doesn't effect you. (I'm assuming you're straight)   1 reply
06 05,2021


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