I've been watching the show for almost 10 years, I've been watching the 1999 version, 2011 version, and read all the manga. I will admit I like hisoka's character design and his personality type. Although do I approve of his pedophilic Tendencies? No. The scene of him looking at gon and killuas ass was extremely in uncomfortable for me. But I will have to clarify one thing.
I don't know what the hell was up with the line in the dubbed version. Because even if that hand gesture represent something, he's done a ton of fucking hand jesters in the damn show, and his original line was, "can I kill him." I don't like the rape rumor. I can understand if you don't like him because he was pedophilic. But as someone who's been watching this show religiously, I have to say that that fact is wrong. He asked to KILL, not rape. Besides, he killed many of people that he thought was really strong, and was there any sort of implication that he also raped them? No! Why would he start now with the fucking child. Not to mention, the shit rumor is starting to show up now, in a time where everyone takes anything as fucking foolproof evidence.
So let me give this reminder, circumstantial evidence is not invincible. Circumstantial evidence May implicate something, but it does not confirm. And heck, maybe in the future the author will tell me that I was wrong, but until then. All signs truly do point to the fact that he did not ask to rape him. But Kill. I've seen so many people try and say just because the fucking hand gesture and the fucked-up line in the dub version-- which didn't even come out in the other versions, no matter how much speculation, the line was to say that he wanted to kill killua.
So yeah, you can continue hitting him for being a pedophile, I can understand that. But don't allow bullshit rumors just because it agrees with your standpoint.

Actually, (I'm talking about the sub) he says "Boku ga Killua wo yaru no wa ari kai?" which literally translates to "Am I allowed to do Killua?" The sub isn't always accurate.
I'm not saying the dub is accurate but just saying that it's unclear what he meant since he used "to do".
I understand that, and that's why I left a very open-ended, idk if the author truly meant it to be that way. But until we get any confirmation that that was truly the intent, I don't believe it.
Oh and I forgot to say could you guys quit acting like fucking children and attacking people who like characters that you don't like. Just because someone likes a character who has pedo Tendencies, does not mean themselves approve of pedophilia. Just because somebody like the character who has raped someone does not mean they approve of rape. I'm not saying it's just fiction, But I am going to say that the night stalker killed and raped so many women but he has a fucking fan club of women. I'm not fucking joking, so whenever you see someone who's fangirling over character that you believe it shouldn't get any love, just thank God that at least they're not one of the chicks who are going after the goddamn Night Stalker. Now if that person who is a fan of a character actually approved, or fetishizes it, then it's all right to go after their ass. As long as they don't approve of it, they can like the character. As long as they don't endorse the behavior, they can like the character themselves. I grew up on Bill Cosby, I like Bill Cosby, he taught me life lessons, but what the fuck, do I think what he did was stupid and horrid.