heterophobia is not real
why do some straights here want heterophobia to be a real thing?
it's just a fabrication of victimhood created by damn homophobes, who have never experienced discrimination against them in their
if those straights want heterophobia, i'll give you examples of what i think is heterophobia >:(
- "sheesh, heteros really have no shame kissing, hugging, and holding hands in public"
- "wait, you're straight? okay just don't date me or anything"
- " wasn't a straight girl r@ped a week ago"
" well yeah. she was straight so basically she
was asking for it"
- " i heard you were straight, my son. get out of my house and don't think about coming back here because i'm going to disown you"
- " my daughter is straight so i had no choice but to put them into convertion therapy"
- " do you know that in the bible that being straight is a sin?"
change the words hetero/straight into homosexual/gay/lesbian
these are some of real words that we have to hear at least once in our lives. we are treated as mere insects just becuase we are different from the majority.
a few years ago, my father told me and my siblings that if one of us turned out to be queer, he'll throw us of the house and disown us.
i came out to my straight friends a few months ago. they were just silent and told me "just don't date me". i was so excited to tell them since we had friends who are gay and lesbian. after that, i realized they turned out they were biphobic. i have fucking nightmares from that day and it still haunts me to this day.
to the straights who are still fucking complaining about how their life is so hard with heterophobia around and is real, just fucking shut up and appreciate how easy your life is.