hey jesus, its me, again.
I fucking hate this website so much. Im not talking about the content on here, im talking about the users. especially the ones who like to voice their opinions a little too fucking much
you guys suck ASSSSSSSS. thats the one thing that comes to mind everytime i think about how you guys act on here.
are you guys some fucking lame ass 12 year old edge lords? its hella cringe, please stop.
some of you are so full of yourselves, you think you're all so mighty just because you happen to have a small following on a an illegal manga website. you don't. you're a child, a dumb one at that. and what tf are your 146 followers gonna do? doxx people that criticize you? that's a dick move lmfao. and im saying "doxx" as if that hasn't probably happened before..
"oH bUt iM aN aDuLT!,!,!!,!!,!!!! i KnOw hOw tO hAndLE THosE kINDs oF SituATionS!!!!!::!:!!!;:!;!!;" what the fuck are you doing here, arguing with a bunch of teenagers IN THE FIRST PLACE????????? how about, instead of arguing with someone, you yes YOU!!! GO GET A FUCKING JOB. no body fucking cares whether or not you are an adult. you guys dont know shit, you're like the worst people on this site lmfao.
but whether ur a minor or an adult, the second you start posting some 3 feet long essay as an answer to question about someone jokingly saying some OBVIOUS dumb shit, you can just stfu because i won't be reading it.
Yall bitches are TOXIC it HUUUUUURTS MY SOUUUUUUL. bro, one dark humour joke and yall fucking flatline on the SPOT. one person doesn't phrase their sentence correctly and you guys go ballistic, talking about some dumb shit when yall clearly didn't understand what they meant. you guys dont politely ask them to explain. no !!!that shits for pussies am i right?? you guys go on your dumb rambles nobody cares about.
i guess i can applaud you for making your dumbassery sound sophisticated lmfao. your followers gobble it up like crazy.
anyway, you guys make mangago hella toxic. and no, im not gonna read your answer-essay on this question, fucking dumbass.
im so done with you nerds, waka-chan out.