I have a few things I experienced at school today that I would like to share.
First of all, a kid was wearing a shirt that said, “I <3 Hot Moms” and, honestly, it was the funniest thing I had seen today.
Secondly, I know I’m in America and shouldn’t expect too much from the education system, but I really feel world history is important and should be a mandatory class. Like, come on, knowing the history of others is important.
Third, I got a 435 on my math SOL (it’s a standardised test st the end of the school year for those who don’t know), and having parents who want me to do well, they were disappointed that I didn’t get pass advanced, so I blamed my math teacher by saying that she didn’t teach all the material. And, I mean, it’s true, she told us she didn’t get to teach everything this year and that there would be a few questions that we wouldn’t know because we didn’t go over it, and we didn’t learn anything about formulas, but they gave us a formula sheet,. I dunno, I just feel guilty for blaming my math teacher when I probably could’ve done better if I just tried harder.
Fourth, pretty much all my school thinks the dress code is stupid and a bit sexist, including the boys and teachers. We’re not allowed to wear dresses that are less that two-three inch straps, so when I was having this conversation with my teacher, he picked up that he never saw girls without something covering. We even looked around the room with all the girls that were wearing dresses, and they were all wearing like a coverup or cardigan, whatever you call it. Plus, kids get dress coded for the rips in their pants, too. Then it gets annoying because the boys dress code has virtually no limitations, so it’s aggravating.
And, finally, the latter. I was on the bus, watching the other kids load, and there’s this one dude who wears sweats and a hoodie everyday, his hood pulled over with his earbuds and water bottle in his hand or back pocket, the only thing changing is if he has a computer or not. Well, I thought he had a buzz cut since: one, he always wore a hood, why not show off your nice hair; two, he’s black, and normally they have harder to maintain hair which is also hard to grow long, and he didn’t seem like a guy to care; and three, he has small baby hairs in the front so it made his hair look short. Well, for once he didn’t wear his hood and he had a whole ponytail. I’m not sure why it shocked me, but his hair was really curly, but still had like a straight, but just a bunch of bundled curls. I dunno how to describe it, but, like, bro, his hair was so pretty.
M’kay, you probably didn’t read to the end, but that’s all I wanna say about today.