What type of people are you most compatible with? And what types do you hate?
For me, I'm super compatible with quiet people because I'm a huge extrovert that talks too much and it really makes me happy when people listen. I also work well with people who are really extroverted and have a similar personality to me (like being funny, talkative, not shy). I kinda hate people who like to talk about others behind there back cuz they all snakes and I bet everyone has that one friend group in school who specializes in that. I also just don't work well with kids who are super popular and stuff. Idk why.. it might be because I don't fit in or the fact that I'm not that popular LMAO.
Idk who I'm compatible with tbh, as long as they have good morals like hate racists, aren't homophobic sexist etc, I'd be ok with them, otherwise I don't befriend people much unless I get befriended first lmao 1 reply